Grandparent Friendly AV2000 Powerline Adapter

Grandparent Friendly AV2000 Powerline Adapter
This post is my review of the AV2000 Powerline Adapter. A high speed Powerline (ethernet over power) adapter that’s very easy to install. FAMILY TECH SUPPORT My parents (grandparents to my kids) live over 600kms away. I’m their tech support for a whole host of device, technology, and computer related issues. Being so far away can be a challenge, especially... Read More

Groundswell is building for cloud services

Groundswell is building for cloud services
The groundswell is building for cloud services like Microsoft’s Office 365. Even more so with the upcoming release of Office 2013 (now in customer preview as of 2 days ago) and how it completely interfaces into the all new Office 365 experience (that is fully cloud delivered), and into Windows 8 (due October 26 to a store near you).  A... Read More